Spray Polyurethane Foam Roofing
Extreme Green Savings
Sprayed polyurethane foam (SPF) roofing is one of the most cost-effective, environmentally friendly, durable roofing systems available today. A Conklin SPF foam roof topped with one of our reflective coatings delivers 30 percent or more in energy savings per year. And foam is ideal no matter what the climate – because it insulates your building from heat and cold.
Save money multiple ways:
- You could qualify for new “green” building tax credits and/or rebates offered by the federal government.*
- You can save enough in heating and/or cooling costs to pay for your new SPF Foam and Coatings System within just 7 years.**
We custom-design our SPF Foam and Coating Systems to your specific geographical location and climate conditions. The resulting seam-free foam barrier:
- Eliminates air infiltration – the number one cause of energy loss.
- Offers an impressive insulation value of R-6 per inch.
- Adds structural strength without adding much weight.
- Can be applied to most existing roof surfaces.
- Withstands hurricane-force winds.
- Can easily correct damaged substrate and/or poor drainage.
- Will not absorb water due to foam’s closed-cell insulation properties.
- Reduces sound transmission.
- Is fast and easy to repair or recoat.
- Can be applied to interior walls for even more energy savings.
Save money and more with one of the “greenest” roofs in the world – Conklin’s SPF Foam and Coatings Roofing System. Click on the downloads for specific product information.
*Check with your local utility companies, tax adviser and dsirevsa.org or energystar.gov for additional details.
**Actual results may vary pending an energy audit.